Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The best place to be

It's almost been a month since the decision was made not to go to Johannesburg. Finally I can see though the fog that comes with breaking off something so big and life changing. I didn't know what to think, other than I'm not in control, God is and I trust Him with my life. Other than that I was a complete mess for a few weeks, confused and depressed. Not understanding where he wants us to be. As we were figuring out we weren't meant to be in S. Africa at this time, we got an email from Corrymeela. This is the organization in Northern Ireland we applied to two years ago and didn't get into because competition is high. They emailed us asking to reapply. So we did. We will find out this week if we are moving there. I've been trying not to get my hopes up, just in case we don't get in. We also though about moving to Atlanta, a place we'd never thought we'd live. There is a christian bike program there that Jonathan would love to help with. So we are looking at a few option and will have some sort of answer soon. So where am I now? At peace. I still know God is in control, but instead of being confused by it, i am comforted by it. He will put us where we need to be. If Northern Ireland is it, then we will go. If Atlanta is it, then we will go. If San Antonio is it, then we will stay. I'm excited that no matter where we go we will be serving him and that is the best place to be.


Saturday, April 3, 2010

time for a new perspective

Today we announce publicly, we will not be moving to Johannesburg. We feel God is asking us to either put it on hold or go elsewhere. We are saddened and confused, but following His will instead of forcing our own.

